How often can I partake of the holy Communion?

You can partake of the holy Communion and receive the full benefits of the finished work of Christ as often as you want. Our Lord Jesus said, “This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me” (1 Cor. 11:25). Notice He said “as often,” not “as seldom”!

Our Lord Jesus doesn’t limit the number of times you can draw from Him. His supply is inexhaustible, and I pray that He will increase your revelation of His love for you and expand your capacity to receive from Him. When He multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand people, His supply did not stop until the people had taken “as much as they wanted” (John 6:11). The supply did not stop because He ran out of bread and fish. It stopped because the people had eaten enough. And still, there were “twelve large baskets” of leftovers (John 6:13 AMP).

Can you see how extravagant the Lord is toward you, and how His heart desires to bless and heal you? He doesn’t want you to take from Him with a timid hand when His heart is so lavish toward you. He wants to pour out His blessings upon you, and He wants you to receive every blessing of health, wholeness, and long life that He died to give you.

If you are being attacked by symptoms throughout the day, I want to encourage you to partake of the Communion throughout the day. If the enemy is attacking you day and night, then lift up the bread and cup day and night and partake of His finished work day and night. If you have been prescribed medication that comes with certain side effects, don’t take just the medication. Partake of the Communion every time you take your medication, and trust Him to protect you from the medication’s side effects. Each time thank Him and declare that by His stripes, you are healed (Isa. 53:5). Declare that with long life He will satisfy you and show you His salvation (Ps. 91:16). Say boldly, “The Lord forgives all my iniquities and heals all my diseases. I shall not die but live and declare His goodness toward me!” (Ps. 103:3; 118:17).

Adapted from

Joseph Prince, Eat Your Way to Life and Health—Unlock the Power of the Holy Communion (Nashville: Emanate Books, 2019), p182.